BYOD Logistics

BYOD Logistics

What does BYO look like in the classroom?

Local Use Model:

Students instructed not to use internet in class, but may use locally stored tools such as electronic text or note-taking software.  This model requires heightened awareness as wireless access will be available in the building.

Guided Model:

Students Leave Personal Devices in backpack unless teacher has requested devices be brought into the learning environment.  Teacher guides student use of device during classroom activities (similar to current practices in lab setting).

Issues with students forgetting about bringing devices so should have back-up technology on hand. Use a door sign to remind students if they need device today or not. On days when devices are in use, students should have device out and in plain sight ready to go.

What Type of Devices:
* Smartphones – Android 3.0 and up, iPhone 3 and up
* iPod Touch – 3rd Generation up
* eReaders (Nooks, Kindles, Fire) – No network wireless support
* Tablets – Android 3.0 and up, iPads
* Laptops – Windows and Apple
** No Gaming Devices at this time – DS, PSP, etc.

Ready-to-use Model:
Students place personal device in right hand corner of desk.  Device is “ready to use” if nec essary, in sight of teacher, not used unless directed/requested.

Devices always out and ready to go with teacher direction.


Personal Goals Model:
Students have free access to personal deivce – how and when they use the device is determined by the student. Students have clear understanding that personal devices are to be used for activities related to the educational process.

Devices used anywhere and anytime relying on student to self-regulate.


What to Prepare For:
Plan to Work with what you got:
Not every student has a device or will remember to bring one.  Have a back-up plan.
Work in pairs or groups
Be flexible!  This is never a 100% predictable environment.
Be mobile – the teacher sitting in one place will guarantee students are not using the technology appropriately.
Apps will need to be added at home.
Wireless is limited to 256 devices for Elementary and Middle School – 512 for High School (this is changing)
Students should use the district guest wireless network instead of 3G/4G (less data cost for students and internet is filtered)
Devices should be set to silent Devices should be visible and not kept hidden on laps or in bags.
Do not collect student cell phone numbers – look for services that protect that information
Use of own devices should be added to the classroom management procedures.