Bring Your Own Device Guidelines
Texans Can Academies is now offering students the opportunity to bring a personal electronic device to school and use it for educational purposes. Since this opportunity is not required and is strictly optional, the decision of whether or not to take advantage of it will be at the discretion of the student’s parent(s) / guardian(s). Students will be expected to connect to the district’s Guest Wireless Connection to ensure access to the best online resources.
In Texans Can Academies we use technology to enhance the teaching of content and behaviors that students need to succeed in the global community. We want students to embrace appropriate use of technology so they may become responsible, digital citizens.
BYOD Participation:
When abused, privileges will be taken away. When respected, they will benefit the learning environment as a whole.
Only the internet gateway provided by the school may be accessed while on campus. Personal devices will not be allowed to access district servers or to district files.
BYOD on the Campus:
- Students and parents/guardians participating in B.Y.O.D. must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, Acceptable Use Policy, and all Board policies.
- When students leave their desks or the classroom, it is their responsibility to ensure that their electronic devices are secured and taken with them. – TEXANS CAN ACADEMIES is NOT responsible for lost, loaned, damaged, or stolen devices.
- Students may not use devices to record, transmit or post-photographic images or video of a person, or persons on campus or during school related activities for non-instructional purposes.
- Devices may only be used to access files on their personal devices which are relevant to the classroom curriculum. Non-instructional games are not permitted. There will not be free time use of electronic devices.
- Each student is responsible for his/her own device: set-up, maintenance, and charging.
- District employees are not permitted to diagnose, repair, or work on a student’s personal device: Please check with your student’s individual campus to see if guidelines modifications or additions have been made in order to meet specific campus learning environments, goals, and technology infrastructures.
BYOD in the Classroom:
- Each teacher has the discretion to allow and regulate the use of personal devices in the classroom on a daily basis and on specific projects. Students are not to use their devices unless directed by the teacher.
- If the teacher allows students to have out their electronic devices during instructional time, they must be out of pockets, purses, notebooks, etc, set to silent mode (not to vibrate) and placed on the desk/table at all times during that instructional time on in another location in the classroom designated by the teacher.
- Devices may not be used to cheat on assignments or tests or for non-instructional purposes (such as making personal phone calls and text/instant messaging).
- Teachers will not store student devices at any time.
- Use or possession of personal devices will not be permitted during administration of any state assessment. Violations shall be subject to confiscation of the device and other disciplinary consequences in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. A student who violates this policy may have his or her test results invalidated.
It is recommended that:
- All devices and accessories be clearly labeled with your student’s name.
- Decals or “skins” be placed on the device for easy identification.
- A password or passcode be set on the device.
- The serial number and model information be recorded and kept at home
- Students may bring headphones to use with their device as many digital resources have audio.
- Parents establish a system to consistently monitor device use to ensure that the district gateway is being used instead of the family’s private data plan. The district will assume no financial obligation.
- Devices are brought to school fully charged each day.
- Students are discouraged from loaning their personal devices.
Types of Devices:
Devices can include: laptops, cell phones, smart phones, iPads, iPods, eReaders with wifi, and tablets. Please note that Nintendo DSi and or other gaming devices with internet access are not permissible at this time
Suggested Minimum Requirements:
- Supports Flash
- Word Processing Capability
- 802.11 a/b/g/n Connectivity