- first two scores only? Or first and most recent?
Campuses are required to upload the most recent testing document showing all 5 EOC scores. Scores in SMS must match that testing document. When exceptions occur and more than one testing document is required, please place a comment in the notes explaining why more than one testing document is uploaded.
IGC Initial Meeting:
- If a student opts out of the IGC and re-tests in December and passes, do they continue with the HB4545 tutoring requirements?
Once the student meets the passing standard for the EOC, they no longer have to continue with the HB4545 30 hours of tutoring in the subject area that they passed.
- The charter wants to know if when a student has been reviewed by the Individual Graduation Committee and given additional requirements to complete for graduation eligibility, does the student still continue to take the STAAR exam?
The student does have the right to request retesting even though they are proceeding with an IGC.
- Is the counselor required to be in the IGC meeting?
No, the counselor does not have to attend the Initial IGC meeting. The counselor will collaborate with the IGC committee prior to the initial meeting to provide all required information.
- What IGC committee members can and cannot serve as the grader?
- Can the Teacher of course/Coach and Department Chair/Lead Teacher for the content area be the same person?
No, according to Texas Education Code Sec. 28.0258.
Question: When the Attendance, Data Validation, and HB4545 360 will be conducted at the campus level?
Attendance 360: At the end of Term 1, 2, 3 and 4
Data Validation 360: At the end of Term 1, 2, 3 and 4
HB4545: At the end of Term 3 and 4
Question: Will be a practice session for the 360s?
Yes, 4 weeks before the 360 is conducted, the Compliance Unit will be visiting campuses to go over a practice 360 session.
Questions: Will be Plagiarism software that can be utilized to check the IGC Projects?
Compliance is working in conjunction with IT to purchase a Plagiarism checker software.
Question: If the IGC project is rejected for Plagiarism, will this type of rejection affects the data validation 360?
Yes, The evaluators will use the same checker (software) for Plagiarism utilized by campus.
Question: If the IGC project is rejected for Incompleted work submitted, will this type of rejection affects the data validation 360?
Yes, Projects rejected for Incomplete work will affect the data validation 360
Question: If the project is returned requesting feedback, will this affect the data validation 360?
No. However, if the project is resubmitted by the campus and is returned again for no accomplishing the feedback requests by the evaluators, the data validation 360 will be impacted.