Registrars Audit Process

  • Enrollment: Infosnap TREx, registrar will make the request after the student is in Level I and no one from the enrollment team has requested. Notes are important Registrars and Enrollment team must review the notes before a new TREx request is made it
  • Students Transfer between campuses: Only for inactive students
  • Session Changes: No session changes at this time until students start coming into the building.
  • Attendance: Registrars will do attendance corrections starting 48 hrs. after the attendance day.
  • Learning Locations: Academic Advisors are in charge to provide the registrar any new Learning Location changes.
  • Classifications: Academic Advisors or AP will be responsible to determine which classifications are assigned to each student.
  • EN Forms: The Assistant Principal MUST sign the EN forms and provide it to the registrar. Student Advocates are required to sign. The EN forms must have all the information corrected and every field MUST be completed in order to be accepted the registrar otherwise the form will be returned. EN is an audit document and the form MUST be as clean as possible.
  • Email Accounts: Each student must remain in the Pre-Register status for at least 3 hrs in order to IT create the email address and place it into the asset application.
  • Schoology: The student will become available in Schoology once is active in the system. Schoology create accounts at 12 PM and 10 PM every day.